Mastermind Group for Women

Embrace your empathy, cultivate confidence, and enjoy camaraderie!

Discover how to navigate work-life alignment and manage stress with professional peers.

Woman makes notes in notepad surrounded by pile of notebooks.

Do you feel trapped in the relentless hustle of life?

We all get caught up in the demands of work, family, and other responsibilities, leaving little room for your personal growth and self-care. 


Ready for a refuge where you can let down your guard, recharge your spirits, and forge meaningful connections with other women who understand your journey?

Enter the WISE Community.

This supportive group environment helps build a network who encourage one another.


By joining the WISE (Women Inspiring Success and Empowerment) Communityyou’ll have access to expert guidance, exclusive resources, and a network of fellow women who understand your unique struggles. 

We meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month 12:00-1:00pm CT (10:00am PT, 11:00am MT, 1:00pm ET).

What Makes Us WISE?

Time Mastery Techniques

Gain valuable tools and techniques to manage your time effectively. Discover strategies to eliminate distractions, set meaningful goals, and prioritize tasks that align with your values and aspirations.

Improved Quality of Life

Learn how to prioritize yourself without guilt. You’ll develop personalized self-care routines that nurture your mind, body, and spirit, allowing you to recharge and show up as your best self.

Supportive Community

Connect with other professional women in a group setting that fosters camaraderie, where members celebrate successes, rally together during setbacks, and provide unwavering support along the journey.


Set meaningful goals and receive ongoing support and accountability. Together, we’ll celebrate victories, troubleshoot challenges, and cheer each other on as we achieve our goals and aspirations.

Exclusive Resources

Gain access to a wealth of resources, including curated readings, insightful podcasts, and practical worksheets, designed to deepen your understanding and enhance your journey.

Expert Guidance

Your experienced facilitator, Dr. Stephanie Grunewald is a fellow Ambitious Empath. Delivering research-based strategies, she brings a unique blend of expertise and empathy.

How it Works

Complete Questionnaire

Participants are carefully vetted to ensure that our group dynamic is supportive and beneficial. Completing a brief questionnaire is the first step toward joining the WISE Community.

Talk with Dr. Stephanie

Each group is intentionally kept small to promote a close and supportive community. Having a call with Dr. Stephanie will allow you to get to know each other and is an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have.

Finalize Registration

Finally, you will pay your monthly or annual membership fee, add meeting times and dates to your calendar, take a deep breath and get ready to grow!

Hear what others are saying about their WISE Community experience.

My confidence has improved because I can be vulnerable and talk about the real struggles without worrying about being judged. Stephanie is down-to-earth and warm. Her relatable approach makes the group safe and comfortable. It’s great to be surrounded by women who really want to see each other succeed.


~Denise Archilla, MSW | Chronic Illness Expert at Chronic Warrior Coaching

As an entrepreneur trying to figure out everything on your own, it’s nice to be able to be with other people who are trying to build something that’s impactful. The ladies in the group are so nice and I enjoy Stephanie’s grounded, authentic approach and the comfortable space she’s created for honest feedback and support. I highly recommend this wonderful community.


~Christina Beauchemin | Founder of Let My Legacy Be Love

Want to know more about the WISE Community?

It’s a big decision to invest in yourself, and I want you to have all the information you need. Here are some frequently asked questions, but we’ll also schedule a call to make sure you have all the necessary information. 

Past participants have found that by joining the group and putting what they learned into practice, they had more time to do what they love while managing their health, family, friendships and more!

Our WISE Community is inclusive and welcomes entrepreneurs at all stages of their journey. Each member has unique experiences and expertise. It’s not about comparing achievements, but rather about learning from one another, building connections, and celebrating every milestone, big or small.


Enrollment is capped at 12 members to keep these groups intimate so true connections can be established. I believe strongly and am deeply committed to providing a safe space that builds a culture of belonging. My aim is to foster an environment where everyone feels valued, supported and inspired to achieve their goals. This includes providing opportunity and access for all people across differences of age, color, race, ethnicity, nationality, migratory status, sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation,  disability/ability, physical appearance, and religious beliefs. If this aligns with your beliefs, you’re in the right place!

The benefits of joining are numerous. Participants gain access to a wealth of knowledge and resources, leveraging the collective expertise of the group. You’ll receive diverse perspectives and fresh insights that challenge your assumptions and push you to grow beyond your comfort zone. The accountability within the community ensures that you’ll stay focused, motivated, and committed to your goals.

While I cannot predict the future, I can assure you that the WISE Community has been thoughtfully curated to provide exceptional value. The focus is on fostering a nurturing and transformative space for all participants. The success of a mastermind lies in the active engagement of its members. The more you participate and contribute, the more you’ll reap the benefits.

There are no prerequisites or qualifications, per se, but several traits make the group most successful: open-mindedness, willingness to do the work, and creating a safe space to share and connect.

The cost is $197 per month for a 3-month subscription, or $1950 for an annual subscription (over 2 months FREE!).

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Join the WISE Community!