Are you ready to step out of the daily grind and into relaxation ?

Hit the RESET button!

In a world that never seems to slow down, exhaustion can become an unwelcome companion in your life. ​

Stop running on empty!

A few common signs you’re craving rest, rejuvenation, and connection:

Young Black Woman Tired After Using Laptop Working On Computer

Imagine a serene sanctuary nestled away from the chaos of daily life.

View of ocean from the balcony at Headlands Resort for a RESET Retreat

Attending a RESET Retreat offers a unique and transformative experience, designed to help you step away from the daily grind and immerse yourself in an environment dedicated to your well-being.


This retreat is more than just a break; it’s a carefully crafted journey towards rejuvenation and renewal. As you leave your stress behind, you’ll find yourself recharging in serene settings, reconnecting with your inner self.


You’ll have ample opportunities for relaxation, introspection, and learning new strategies to manage stress and enhance your overall quality of life. You’ll engage in activities that nourish both the mind and body, leaving you feeling refreshed and equipped with tools to maintain this renewed sense of calm and clarity in your everyday life.


It’s not just a retreat; it’s a RESET for your life, offering a chance to realign your priorities, rediscover your passions, and return with a revitalized perspective.

These retreats are the perfect blend of relaxation and community support.

Reconnect with Yourself

You’ll have time to explore your own thoughts, dreams, and desires. 


Enjoy a moment of solitude and a chance to rediscover who you truly are when the hustle and bustle fades into the background. 


No distractions, no expectations—just you and the space to breathe.

Create Lasting Change

Our RESET Retreats go beyond relaxation; they’re a commitment to your well-being. 


Engage in carefully crafted activities designed to empower you with the mindset and behaviors to spark lasting change in your life. 


We don’t just talk about change; we help you experience it.

Engage with Kindred Spirits

Create a supportive network with a carefully selected group of women that extends far beyond these serene surroundings. 


Together, we can share stories, wisdom, and laughter.


This community of like-minded women will help you feel seen, supported, and encouraged.

Be the First to Know About Ancorio's Next RESET Retreat

Tap into the power of nature to escape the stress of daily life. This one-of-a-kind RESET Retreat is carefully curated to combine relaxation, coaching, and community.


As you become more knowledgeable and proactive in addressing your personal well-being, you’ll simultaneously become more efficient and effective at work allowing you to transform from exhausted to empowered.


You’ll leave the retreat feeling empowered by the clarity you gleaned about your vision, mission, and impact for your life. And, you’ll be equipped with the tools and strategies you need to maintain change. 


4 women laughing, with arms over each other's shoulders, hiking at a RESET Retreat
Stephanie Grunwald Nature Retreats

An experienced guide to help you RESET.

You’ll be guided by a seasoned expert, Dr. Stephanie Grunewald, who brings a wealth of knowledge and a genuine passion for well-being. As a certified health and well-being coach, a licensed psychologist, and someone who’s walked the path of recovery from workaholism herself, she understands the nuances of the journey you’re embarking on. 


The research-based strategies she’s integrated into the RESET Method form the bedrock of this transformative experience. Further, her experience in how to apply lessons from nature to further your success make this a truly one-of-a-kind experience. Together, you’ll delve into the realms of awareness, alignment, and action. 


Read more about Dr. Stephanie Grunewald »

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s a big decision to invest in yourself, and I want you to have all the information you need. Here are some frequently asked questions, but we’ll also schedule a call to make sure you have all the necessary information. 

Maybe your motivation for signing up for this RESET Retreat is to get away but you will leave with so much more! In addition to the amazing opportunity to relax, you will be connected with 6 like-minded women, and you will get group coaching with this intimate group to help structure your business for sustainable and intentional growth.

The fact that you are reading this tells me you know that you need a break. Maybe the stress, overwhelm, and burnout have taken their toll. It is time to stop trying to overachieve your way out of burnout! Step off the hamster wheel and pave a new path forward into a life and business aligned in purpose.

You deserve time away from your business; time away from the stress of everyday life; an opportunity to focus on YOU!

The RESET Retreats are exclusively for women.

While these retreats are only for women, I believe strongly and am deeply committed to providing safe spaces that build a culture of belonging. My aim is to foster an environment where everyone feels valued, supported and inspired to achieve their goals. This includes providing opportunity and access for all people across differences of age, color, race, ethnicity, nationality, migratory status, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation,  disability/ability, physical appearance, religious beliefs, and dietary requirements. If this does not align with your values, then this retreat will not be a good fit for you.

Our groups are intimate so that you have an opportunity to get to know each other well without feeling lost in the crowd. 

Upon arrival, an initial connection will be facilitated so it’s less stressful to make small talk or to worry about what to say. Each day, there is structured time to connect, but you can decide how much (or little) you engage.

While connecting is important, there is also plenty of free time each day for you to spend however you choose. You can use that time to explore, read a book in your room, or enjoy the beauty of your surroundings – on your own or with someone.

Each retreat is a little different, so the specific details will be provided in advance. Generally, room accommodations, meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), as well as relaxation opportunities (e.g., yoga, facials, massages), and any nature excursions are included in the total cost.

Not included:

  • Airfare
  • Ground transportation to/from airport
  • Travel insurance
  • Alcoholic beverages (you can purchase on your own)

It’s important to talk to ensure the goals and objectives of the retreat align with your expectations. This is not a formal call! It is just an opportunity to learn about one another and clarify any questions you may have.

White Ancorio Anchor

Rest, Relax & Rejuvenate on a RESET Retreat