Stephanie Grunewald, PhD

I'm passionate about guiding my clients toward building sustainable businesses while prioritizing their personal time and freedom.

Having spent over a decade working directly with clients and building two businesses of my own, I’ve encountered the unique challenges that arise throughout the lifespan of a business. This firsthand experience has given me valuable insights into the struggles entrepreneurs face.

During my journey of building group counseling practices, I realized that my business was starting to take over my personal life and distract me from the part I loved most: helping clients. This realization planted the seed for the creation of Ancorio.

Ancorio represents the culmination of my education and expertise, offering transformational coaching that empowers entrepreneurs to break free from the shackles of their businesses. I help them prioritize their own needs, find joy in their lives, and still achieve remarkable success.

Central to my approach is my proprietary RESET Method, which integrates awareness, alignment, and action. Through this method, I guide individuals towards a way of living that allows them to attain success without sacrificing their purpose or freedom. 

In addition to one-on-one coaching, I also facilitate mastermind groups, and host reset retreats, conduct workshops and executive training. Through these experiences, I provide my clients with the tools and knowledge they need to build sustainable businesses, prioritize efficiency over the never-ending trap of busyness, and ultimately thrive both personally and professionally.

If you’re looking for an engaging guest who can shed light on the journey of entrepreneurship and share practical strategies for achieving success while maintaining a life of freedom, I would be thrilled to contribute.

Stephanie Grunewald, PhD, Ancorio Transformational Coach
Stephanie Grunewald, PhD


  • Positive Psychology-Based Health & Well-being Coach from College of Executive Coaching

  • Doctorate degree (PhD) in school psychology from Loyola University Chicago

  • Postdoctoral work at Rush University Medical Center

Speaking Topics

  • How to stop being busy and increase productivity and efficiency instead.
  • Managing stress and overwhelm.
  • Women entrepreneur empowerment.
  • The impact neglecting your well-being has on your business success.
  • Applying lessons from nature to life and business.

10 Questions To Ask

  1. What is wellbeing and why does it matter for entrepreneurs?
  2. What is the RESET Method? 
  3. Why do you think community is so important for entrepreneurs?
  4. What are some of the ways you have found that connecting with nature benefits you and your clients?  
  5. What is compare-and-despair and why is it so rampant among entrepreneurs?
  6. Why do you think entrepreneurs often report being “so busy”?
  7. What is the difference between overworking and working hard?
  8. What unique stressors do women entrepreneurs face?
  9. What do you wish you’d known when you started your business?
  10. What lessons did you take from your first business, Restorative Counseling, when you built Ancorio?